hahas.very long never update blog le wor..lols. really not free siia.hahs.very mang now.. my blogskin oso very suck..lols. see when free den edit again bahhs, siian..gonna spend my quiet time after this.. ya..i shall do it not becus i have to but becus i want to.. YES.hahs.learnt alot lately..whether is it in studies. or even towards GOD..ya..really learnt alot..very HAPPY. ii noe the LORD is pleased with me..yalos.. haha.i LOVE the feeling of FREEDOM..after getting rid of strongholds in my life..i'm FREE!woohoo,lols even now..i feel the LORD's presence..he is always with me..' O'mighty father in heaven.bless me LORD. enjoying his presence..hahas.i'm growing strong! and i shal rise up as a mighty warrior!!woohoo. i will shine whether is it in sku or outside in de public or even at home.. with the lord around,nth is immpossible..our GOD rules! take it all LORD..all our misery,sufferings..father,u r KING!. use us,all we have use it for your plan! we shall set ourselves apart for u lord! for the bible says,"man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of GOD." indeed lord!we need u even more than food and worldly possesions. we r nth without U!!oh FATHER U REIGN. BLESSUSLORD!! bless u mightly FATHER.bless you..