gosh..so long never blog lerrs.. a lil tight in schedule thats why.. alot of things happened over this few weeks.. seen miracles n breakthrus in ppls lives..seeing lives change is a great joy to me..feeling really happy. jus on friday it was shermaine's baptism..feeling real happy for her.. hahas,praying hard that my turn would come soon..n it will. pray in faith n god will give..believe..hahs.blahblahblas.. really feelin great..although would feel a little tied down by hw.. but..ii suffer in delight because GOD is in my life..hahas,JESUS.. attended my first SOL session today..felt a lil nervous at first but blended really quickly into the class..learnt quite abit abt faith n the HOLY SPIRIT..hahas.II LOVE U JESUS>. wad adds to my joy is that my fren told me that she started reading de bible for the first time in lyk two years hahhs..really super de happy!! reaching out to her...really praying hard that she'll come back to church soon.. BLESSMELORD.
haihohoho... hahas.very shuang wors..hahas.sku reopen les!! woohoo.back to skul.starting to love it now.hahas the passion for studying is there.hahas.never felt this enthusiastic b'fore..hahas.guess its GOD's work in me again..hahas.another miracle in my LIFE.yeah!!hahaas.this few days in sku was real fun.. lessons have never been this interesting b4..yayas. ahahs.new teachers,new attitude,brand new year!! love the teachers now las..i believe that it is really GOD's gift for me.yas.if things go on this way, i would be leading a real WONDERFUL LIFE. hohoho,i have never liked any teachers befor.. hahas.its a real breakthrough in my life..ppl may think its not a big matter but well,at least to me, its the greatest part of my life so far!!GOD is using me so well,ii feel really very close to him..ya.JESUS!!
and tomoro,its back tu sku..hahs. although not very enthu in going back,but. will jus strive on.must show my parents that ii can both make it in sku n in church.nothing will b too hetic for me. becus.for de Lord,anything would b worth while.. FAITHGOALS for this year of victory! -ii will get baptised by end of june. -conquer all my sins. -get straight As in my studies.[hand up homework on time] -serve in TRYBE,disciple1 by june. -my parents' salvation.
must work towards it..really quite impossible but ii have faith in the lord.. JIAYOUJIAYOUJIAYOU. hhas,sku reopen means handing up of holiday assignments..but ii have not even complete a quarter of it.. hhahas.nid to chiong for a few days le..no more slack slack liiaos..wah.sec three les.senior to some liiaos.must b role model des.hahas. yalos.
;taken at cell advance.
u r captivating my soul. yuxiiangs#